Lillys are gorgeous flowers. They adorn gardens in the spring and summer. They are perfect for giving away to express one's love or affection. According to Wikipedia, The Liliaceae, or the Lily Family, is a family of monocotyledons in the order Liliales. Plants in this family have linear leaves, mostly with parallel veins, and flower parts in threes.
Many plants in the Liliaceae are important ornamental plants, widely grown for their attractive flowers. Many plants in the family are poisonous if eaten. A floral pattern said to be based on a lily or lily-like flower is used in heraldry; see Fleur-de-lis.
The Lily family was formerly a paraphyletic "catch-all" group that included a great number of genera that are now included in other families, and some in other orders, such as Agavaceae, Alliaceae, Amaryllidaceae, Anthericaceae s.s., Asparagaceae, Asphodelaceae, Convallariaceae, Hyacinthaceae, Melanthiaceae, Nartheciaceae, Smilacaceae , Tecophilaeaceae, Themidaceae, Tofieldiaceae, Trilliaceae and Uvulariaceae. Go here to learn more.
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